Vida Glow Natural Marine Collagen – a-beauty – Tagged "100-150"
Vida Glow

Vida Glow

Vida Glow is a brand built on mantras that we can get behind. Far from being a label that’s about covering up imperfections, it’s one that promotes inner beauty. We’re not talking warm and fuzzies here, we’re talking about general wellness. Get that right, and the rest will follow.

With that taken care of, the second thing we love about this no-nonsense brand is its practical approach. This is a beauty supplement for real humans with lives, jobs, kids, pets and things to do. There’s no 5-step routine, or lengthy preparation required. All it takes is a few seconds to stir a sachet of the collagen into a glass of water, and you’re on your way to a healthier you.


Vida Glow

Taking collagen is an excellent way of investing in your health and beauty, and the best part is, it can be deliciously easy. All you have to do is add a sachet to a glass or bottle of water up to three times a day: no mess and no fuss!

The list of active ingredients in Vida Glow Natural Marine Collagen is seriously short: it contains natural marine collagen, and delicious flavouring so it’s even more of a treat. The flavours are carefully considered too. We’re in love with the peach-flavoured collagen, which is a great source of vitamin A and C, and beta-carotene, and blueberry, to boost antioxidants and vitamin C.

Getting into the details, the collagen peptide supplement is made from sustainably sourced fish skin, and activated to boost absorption so your body will benefit more quickly. The results include a youthful complexion, thicker hair and stronger nails.

The benefits of incorporating Vida Glow Natural Marine Collagen into your beauty regime are many and varied. Here are our favourites:

  • Help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Firm and plump skin
  • Improve skin elasticity
  • Maintain skin integrity
  • Promote and maintain healthy hair
  • Promote nail growth and strength

Want to share the gift of Vida Glow Natural Marine Collagen with the beauty-product-lover in your life? A virtual gift card will give them the opportunity to explore our range of premium Australian beauty products, and indulge in their favourites while discovering new items. Simply set the amount and send!

Shop and scroll for free shipping with a side of beauty advice from the experts.

Everyone knows that online shopping is more pleasurable when there’s free shipping involved, so when your order comes to $100 or more, we’ll take care of the delivery costs. For those in a hurry to get their Vida Glow Natural Marine Collagen, express delivery is available.

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a-beauty is an authorised stockist of Vida Glow.

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